This challenge ends July 30 2019 AoE (anywhere on earth).
This is a #drawthisinyourstylechallenge#drawthisinyourstyle from the Fortunus Games team, featuring Lina from "Sam in New York." Lina is a designer and flapper from the 1920s New York who will have a lot of interaction with Sam, including some political events.
Those who participate will receive the following:
A shoutout in the Fortunus Games Instagram story
A repost in the Fortunus Games Instagram feed featuring your entry.
We will also be featuring your art on our website blog at fortunusgames.com/blog!
You must post your entry on Instagram, Twitter, or Pinterest and tag us on whichever platform you choose to post it on (we are @FortunusGames on Twitter and Instagram and this is our Pinterest).
You are allowed and even encouraged to change the background and pose of the character in your entry.
You are allowed to use Traditional or Digital Media and 3D models as well - be as creative as you can!
Can’t wait to see your reinterpretation of her!